In the Medical Tourism Index (MTI) 2020-2021 Global Destination conducted by the International Healthcare Research Center, Thailand's medical tourism industry is ranked in the top 5 out of 46 countries based on Destination Attractiveness and Medical Tourism Cost factors. SCB EIC Research Center analyzes that in 2023, the Thai medical tourism market this year will recover to a higher level than 2019, which was the year before the COVID-19 crisis, which is expected to be worth more than 29 billion baht. Driven by mega-trends in health and as many countries around the world are entering a sliver economy, the middle class is growing and purchasing power is increasing across the world. Non-communicable diseases NCDs are on the rise worldwide and after the COVID-19 crisis, people are becoming more and more health conscious.


In the view of SCB EIC, Thailand has strengths that attract tourists, namely reasonable prices at a competitive level, wide range of expertise. The most internationally standardized medical facility in ASEAN and there are many popular tourist attractions, while MEDTOURPRESS, a Middle Eastern media that presents medical tourism. One of the reasons why Thailand is at the forefront of the medical tourism market is its ability to treat specific diseases. such as organ transplant infertility treatment, etc.

