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Panacee Rama ll
Cervical Cancer Screening: Urine HPV Test
Women should start cervical cancer screening at the age of 25. Early detection can lead to timely treatment.
General Information
Cervical Cancer is a cancer that develops in the cells of the cervix. Symptoms may include abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, or postmenopausal bleeding. Early-stage cervical cancer often has no symptoms.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary cause of cervical cancer. HPV vaccination and regular cervical cancer screening can help prevent this disease.
What is a Urine HPV DNA Test?
A Urine HPV DNA Test is a test that detects HPV in urine. It offers a convenient and less invasive alternative to traditional Pap smears.
Benefits of Urine HPV Test:
Risk Factors
Besides HPV infection, other risk factors include:
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Early symptoms may include:
The recommended age for starting cervical cancer screening may vary among institutions. Consider your age, sexual activity, and other risk factors when deciding when to start screening.
Package Details:
What's included:
About the Package:
Results interpretation:
Before You Decide:
Who should get tested:
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